Twilight cycling trip

The day was fairly warm – about 32C. We refrained from cycling in the heat and, instead, decided to cycle before the sunset.

We have not used our cycling lights for sometime now. A quick check revealed that the batteries in one of our lights has run down. A fresh set of batteries did the trick.

With this trip, we decided to do an easy (mostly downhill) ride of Merri Creek and get home via the Capital City trail and Upfield Bikeway. The total distance was slightly over 10km.

Near the end of the Merri Creek section of our ride, the sea breeze arrived. It helped cool the temperature to about 25C – a lovely temperature for cycling.

While on the Merri Creek Trail, we encountered lots of bugs. We should make a note to get the kids untinted goggles for such an occasion. This could prove to be challenging as we have never seen untinted goggles for children.

Overall it was quite a pleasant ride. The fact that it was a night ride made a familar route more interesting.